I LOVE YOUR POEM!: Andrea Becker on Gia Loren’s “Collages”

This is part of the “I LOVE YOUR POEM!” series, in which people submit on behalf of local poets whose work they admire and write about why they do. The idea is not only to highlight great work, especially from those who may not submit the work themselves, but also to create a big gushy lovefest in the community. If you’re interested in submitting on behalf of a local poet you love you can check out the submission guidelines here

Collage is a medium that can do a lot of work—the surreal, visual work of bringing individual elements and perspectives together in ways that transcend their original intention, and the internal work of alchemizing an experience, impression, or established belief. So many late nights Gia and I have sat together, elegizing the past and pondering the inextricable nature of creation and destruction. 

What I love about Gia’s collage-style poetry is the way she marries these forces together: Destruction of the original form by cutting it up and throwing pieces away, for the sake of creating something entirely new. Of course, traces of the original object remain—its words and phrases persist in the new form. What is metamorphosed is the tone of, the mood evoked by, and the retrospective attitude toward that original form. Well, that’s how life works, too. 

I love these three short pieces because they examine some of the ways we show up in relationships with others. The first poem feels a little bittersweet, reflecting on intimacy—both precious and difficult. The second piece explores how our choices affect the social and familial ecosystems we live in—there’s always a push and pull happening, even when we feel totally independent. 

The third piece is my favorite. It embraces everything. The language sparkles, grandiose, and without sacrificing any self-awareness, euphorically proclaims that it’s ALL worth it: Even the most painful, mysterious, and risky parts of life have something to give us. Wonder. Joy on the other side. The whole affair was marvelous… and it always will be!

Gia Loren – Creator + Visionary, Copywriter, DJ, Bartender, Vedic Meditator, Traveler, Mountain Girl, Music.Words.Movement.Nature, Naropa University

Andrea Becker –  Poet, Photographer, Sojourner on Earth, Boulder Poetry Scene Book Designer, Naropa University, dreadoes.com